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Pearls & Zebras

Pearls & Zebras is a section in Dermatitis for concise reports of cases that provide insight into understanding disease pathogenesis or improving treatment (PEARLS), or cases that inform about previously unrecognized conditions or atypical variants of known disorders (ZEBRAS).

Section Editors:  Doug Powell, MD and Matt Zirwas, MD

Submission Format

Submissions should follow the following format:

TITLE of 20 words or less; AUTHORS/ INSTITUTIONS; PRECIS consisting of an initial sentence of 25 words or less stating why the paper need be published, subsequent sentences describing and discussing the case in 500 words or less, and a concluding sentence of 25 words or less stating why the case is a PEARL or a ZEBRA (see explanation above); REFERENCES of 5 or less. A photograph or figure with a legend or a table with a title is permissible.

For submission guidelines go to


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