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ACDS CAMP Product Listing Signup

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The American Contact Dermatitis Society (ACDS) welcomes suggestions to add products to its Contact Allergen Management Program (CAMP) database. Your participation in this program demonstrates your company's commitment to consumer safety. The database will contain the names and ingredients of personal care products that are on the market. It will be used by dermatologists to help find products for patients who need to avoid specific ingredients. In other words, instead of a list of products to avoid, the patient will receive a list of products that he/she can use.

The data that will populate the database will be the publicly available ingredient lists that are mandatory on all personal care products.

If you are potentially interested in uploading any of your products, please contact by completing this form below. The information below will be added to our database to register your company in the system. Then we will send you your log-on information and instructions on how to use the system.

Contact Information

Product Information*

Please describe what products you would like to add to CAMP.

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